(dr) molly tov cocktails

Update: gemlog and capsule have moved to drmollytov.smol.pub. Please follow!



This is my Gemini capsule. I wrote it in a text editor while watching reruns of Star Trek: Voyager and Twin Peaks.

spacebar tender

I'm Molly: writer, gardener, musician, punk librarian.

My day job is running a high school library. I also still write marketing drivel for commercial Web clients, because I am a libertine who refuses to give up life's grand luxuries like "eating food" and "sleeping under a roof," and public school work doesn't pay well enough for such a profligate and selfish lifestyle. (Sometimes I even go to the doctor! gasp!)

I left Big Tech behind in January 2025 and it made the tubes Fun again. The further away I get from Web 2.0, the more fun I have. Right now I'm really enjoying writing everything in gemtext. The restrictions are freeing.

Info on how to reach me is in my hello page:


capsule cargo




Gemlog: My gemlog.

Links: Stuff I like in Geminispace.

Library: Reading! Some things I've written, some full-text public domain books I love.

other stuff I made online

Personal Web site

Weird Fun Internet Stuff

Bell Riots When?

the encycloReadia project

lessons from my divorce from Oligarch Tech

"Personal Web site" is what it says on the tin. I'm recreating the most important bits here. The http version (linked) has CSS and pixel icons and a cat photo if you're into that, though. There's also an RSS feed to the encycloReadia project.

"Playce" is retro and new games, interactive fiction I've written, movies, music, pixel cliques, and other pretty noisy Internet things.

"Bell Riots When?" is a resource for surviving the coup currently unfolding in the US.

"the encycloReadia project" is me reading the entire 2024 World Book Encyclopedia. Partly for my own amusement, partly as an act of defiance.