writing to write

I write for a living. I have since I was 17 - literally last century. And if one more person tries to claim that "people write to be read" or "people write for an audience," I'm going to

a. scream

b. laugh

c. shove them out an airlock

d. all of the above.

...Actually (e), probably: mention this corner of the digital world now exists.

I do write for audiences: for money. Sometimes I blog in the series of tubes just to get stuff out of my head. It's nice when other people like it too, but I'm not Tinkerbell.

I don't need an audience to live. I don't need an audience to write. I've written at least a thousand words a day since I was five. If I don't do it, I get itchy.

I'm not sure anyone I know in real life is aware the Gemini protocol exists, much less actually uses it. I'm fine with that. Going to write stuff here anyway.
